8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (PDT)
Strategies for Building Operational Resiliency
Financial Services

The definition of resilient is “being able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.” In cybersecurity, resilience is “the ability to prepare, prevent, respond and successfully recover to the intended secure state during a crisis or after a security breach.” Learn how Clayton Chandler, the CIO of Credit Suisse, thinks about operational resilience and strategies to assess gaps and drive enhancements to the overall security posture of the bank. He’ll be interviewed by Neal Bridges, a former NSA hacker, who is a cybersecurity influencer, streamer, and expert. In addition to operational resiliency, they will also discuss the role of breach and attack simulation as a foundational technology to help cybersecurity teams think differently and be more agile in handling new risks and attackers.